By Allan Gardyne
CEO of
Volume 1
Traffic tip #41
Submit your free ebooks to ebook directories.
Search in Google for "ebook directory" and "ebook directories" and list your
free ebook everywhere you can.
Traffic tip #42
Offer to be a columnist.
Locate a popular site in your niche which would appreciate having you as a
regular columnist. Write tips, lively commentary, product reviews, or
whatever topics suit your niche.
Traffic tip #43
Offer to moderate a section of a forum.
A forum which is growing fast may appreciate an offer from you to moderate
a section of the forum, in return for free publicity for your site.
Traffic tip #44
Do something funny.
Put zany, funny stuff on your site and ask a friend to submit a link to it to to get the publicity ball rolling.
If possible, try to make sure the topic of the article is related to the topic of
your niche. Remember that you want TARGETED traffic to your site.
Cory Doctorow of blog says the blog gets 1.7 million visitors
a day.
Reporting a link to BoingBoing is very simple.
Traffic tip #45
Be outrageous or controversial.
Here's a traffic tip from Russell Beattie of
"Take on Apple. Writing something bad about Steve Jobs or a new
Apple product is the sure-fire way to get the zealots in a state of fury.
Two days later and I've got 2000+ individual people visiting that post
about the iPod photo, over 52 comments and lots of emails. This is to
be expected of course, but of the two or three times that I've done it
and gotten such a response, it still surprises me."
Mark Daoust says: The Surprising Truth About Ugly Websites, an article
recently published on, single-handedly brought in over
200,000 unique visitors in less than 24 hours. Initially it was featured on
Slashdot, and subsequently it was featured in hundreds of blogs and
forums, and thousands of new websites added a link to the article.
Traffic tip #46
Make it easy for people to make you famous - tag your blog.
Sometimes at the bottom of an article in a blog you'll see a link that says
something like this:
"Did You Like This Article? Bookmark it at"
"Digg this article"
"Bookmark this at..."
Providing such links makes it very easy for readers to spread the work
about your article.
Some blog owners provide a choice of social networking and social
bookmarking links or graphics at the end of their articles.
Here's an example where the author has made it easy for visitors to "Share
and Enjoy" (tag) the article:
9 Tips in Life that Lead to Happiness
To find more examples, try a search in Google for "Digg this article".
Social bookmarking sites include:
You can see a long list of social bookmarking sites here and free code you
can add to your blog template to make tagging easier.
Here's another LONG list of social bookmarking sites.
Using a tagging service like Technorati attracts people to your blog.
You label your blog with a tag, such as "pet food". Any Technorati user who
has subscribed to that tag will be notified each time you make a post on
your blog about pet food.
Social bookmarking sites allow you to share your bookmarks publicly,
tagging them to enable others to find them.
If people who visit these sites decide your pages are worth sharing, they'll
bookmark and tag them so that other people can find them.
You can also share an RSS feed of your bookmarks. When you add a
bookmark, they learn about it automatically.
If you take the time to create genuinely USEFUL collections of bookmarks,
people will be more inclined to use them.
The Internet community is just starting to catch on to the enormous potential
of using social bookmarking tagging to get high quality links to your site
from authority sites. Sean Wu explains exactly how to do it in his ebook Tag
and Ping.
As Sean explains, there are basically two types of tags – the ones you
place on your blog and the ones you place on social bookmarking sites.
You can create what he calls your "authority site network".
For maximum effectiveness, he recommends you do both.
Here's my advice: If you're going to set up "authority" pages on social
bookmarking sites, tread carefully. It's a bit like entering a new forum where
you don't know the rules. DON'T spam these places. Create pages which
contain, useful, relevant content. Then get links to those pages. Sean tells
you how to do that.
You'll save yourself a lot of time figuring all this out if you get Sean's book.
Traffic tip #47
Get mentioned on 440 newspaper websites.
Sounds like a dream, doesn't it? You make a post on your website and 440
newspapers quickly link to your blog.
Here's how it works...
Technorati has teamed up with Associated Press (AP). First, you post a
blog commenting on an AP news item. When readers visit an AP member
website that uses AP Hosted Custom News, they will see a module
featuring the "Top Five Most Blogged About" AP articles right next to the
article text, dynamically powered by Technorati.
"Additionally, when readers click on an AP article, Technorati will
deliver 'Who’s Blogging About' that article. Now, if you have
commentary about an AP story, you can get mentioned in that module
simply by linking to that AP news URL," Technorati says.
Here are the details:
Please note: The "Top Five Most Blogged About" box displays VERY
LITTLE. The most emphasis is on your blog's name (NOT the title of your
latest post). So to take full advantage of this, you need a really eye-catching
name for your blog.
Traffic tip #48
Upload your photos. Tag your photos.
As technorati says, if you'd like your photos to appear on Technorati's tag
pages, join Flickr or join Buzznet, two online photo sharing communities,
and post your photos there. "Just tag them and set them to be public and
they'll appear on Technorati Tag pages."
Sometimes if you're doing a search in Google, links to photos uploaded to
Flickr will be displayed in the search results, because of the keywords in the
captions. There's all sorts of potential here for subtle promotion of your site.
If you explore tagging, bookmarketing and social networks, you'll find that
one links leads to another, to another, to another...
The challenge is to make the most of this opportunity without wasting an
awful lot of time.
Traffic tip #49
Use gimmicks.
If people see something odd on a website, they'll often tell other people
about it. You can also alert newsletter publishers and blog owners and
suggest they mention your gimmick in their newsletter. For example, Jim
Crawford tells us how to make a sound play with a mouseover.
Some tips on using gimmicks.
Traffic tip #50
Create deliberate "link bait".
Link bait is website content that other people voluntarily link to. Here's an
Do a Google search for "link bait" for more examples.
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